Portrait of model with blue teardrop by Guy Bourdin
Photo courtesy of © The Guy Bourdain Estate

Are you looking for the perfect image to illustrate your story, the cover of your book, the contents of your website, your next marketing campaign or, why not, your social media profile image?

I am an expert Photo Editor with experience in the most important Spanish magazines, websites and publishing houses.
Tell me what photo you are looking for and I will find the best options adapted to your budget and with all the rights in order.

My clients

Book covers

These are some examples of books for which I have searched for the cover. Finding a single image that represents the content of a novel, a biography or an essay is one of the most beautiful and rewarding challenges I face in my daily work as a photo editor.

Magazine covers

During the 15 years that I worked in the Spanish edition of Vanity Fair, there were several issues in which the cover was an unproduced photo. Historical photos of current characters, current photos of characters impossible or very difficult to produce and even photos of characters already disappeared. These are some of my favorites.

Big features

Movies, political, historical, social, technology stories and even interviews. All great stories need a good selection of images to complement and enhance the story told in the text.

A good article, a good image

An opinion article, a good opening, a supporting photo for a beauty, agenda or trend piece. A good text always wins with a good image.

But what exactly does a Photo Editor?

Visual Editor, Photo Editor, Photo Searcher, Images deal maker, Editora Gráfica in Spanish... call it whatever you want. At the moment there is not an official Degree or title that accredits the profession that I am passionate about and to which I have dedicated myself for almost 20 years in magazines and websites like Vanity Fair, Vogue, Maxim and Quo and publishers like Espasa and Planeta, so I will try to explain what it consists of.

Collage Modern Love

First, the practical definition

The photo editor looks for the best image or set of images to illustrate the cover of a book, a newspaper or magazine, an online article, a news report, a documentary, the opening credits of a series (my favorites are the ones from Modern Love), the marketing campaign of a bank or the dental clinic around the corner or any story or message both editorial and advertising that you want to convey (and do not want or can not produce).

The images are founded in the agencies that manage the different historical, creative or stock and editorial or news archives. Also in the personal archives of photographers, in magazines, newspapers and websites, in library collections, in archives of film production companies, municipalities or political parties archives and even in the shoebox with messy photos of the grandmother of the protagonist of your story.

When the perfect photo is found, its rights are checked and managed, a fair rate is negotiated for both parties, the file is received with its best quality, it is published, and, of course, it is credited. All of this, meeting deadlines, adjusting to budgets and respecting the language and visual culture of each media or client.

And now, the romantic definition (and my favorite)

It is written by John G. Morris, the Photo Editor editor par excellence, in his marvelous book Get the Picture! A Personal History of Photojournalism. Morris began as a correspondent for LIFE magazine, selected and edited the best photos of Robert Capa and Cartier-Bresson at the Magnum agency for twelve years, was the Photo Editor of the Washington Post and ended his career as the Photo Editor of The New York Times.) This is how he defines the role of a Photo Editor:

"The Photo Editor is the voyeur´s voyeur, the person who sees what photographers themselves have seen but in the bloodless realm of contact sheet... and now pixels on the screen. Photo Editors find the representative picture, the image, the will be seen by others perhaps around the world".

Who is Photo-Searcher.com?

My name is Sara Ocón and I was born in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria in the late 70's.
I am a passionate graphic editor, although by accident.
Graduated in Journalism, I like to tell stories through images.
I search and find photos. I select and edit raw materials.
I manage publication and exhibition rights.
I enjoy my work.


Write me and tell me what kind of image you need or what visual project I can help you with.

Thank you!